When my firstborn graduated from college, I gave a toast in the form of a little poem.  It had been a little bumpy – that path to a degree.  I think she was 26 when she graduated.  But… we’re not known for taking the easy path around here, as the poem alludes to.  And it’s all okay.


Some moms have the kind of kid who, just out of her teens,
Will rush to find her one true love and pass along her genes

Some moms have the kind of kid who gets through college fast
While some moms have the other kind who makes those good times last

Some moms have a kid who knows it ALL at age eighteen
But then who learns at 24, she knew less than it seemed

I’m a mom who has a kid who worked it out in time
Tonight she’s met a lofty goal and so I wrote this rhyme

So raise your glass to toast our Kate’s accomplishment today
I got an awesome kind of kid – she did it all her way!